Milpitas Paper shredding

It is quite normal for any and all offices to use hundreds of important letters and documents in their day to day business transactions. Some of these documents and letters have to be stored for future reference sake, while some of them have to be destroyed.

It’s not enough or safe for an office or business to just tear these papers into small pieces. To maintain the integrity and confidentiality of the company, these papers have to be shredded using Milpitas paper shredding.

The problem is that there are various shredding machines in the market. It’s not advisable to look for one until you know what your options are and which is the best shredding machine for your office.

Personal or commercial shredder
The first feature you have to consider before buying your Milpitas paper shredding machine is if you need a personal or commercial grade shredder. This decision is best made by considering the amount of shredding you need to be done in your home or office, and the material you will be shredding. There are paper shredders that not only shred writing paper, but also thick paper, cardboard and even compact discs.

Once you decide the amount of paper your shredder has to shred, you have to start looking for a machine that can handle this load. Not only should the shredder be able to shred all these papers, you have to also find out how long it takes to shred all these papers. Obviously, the faster the Milpitas paper shredding machine shreds papers, the better it is for your business.

Security level
After taking a look at a few paper shredding machines, it’s generally better to buy a machine that can shred 25% more paper than the estimated amount of paper you need to shred. The next feature you have to look out for in Milpitas paper shredding machines is the type of documents you plan to shred.
This does not refer to just the material of documents to be shredded, but its level of security. Based on the level of security you are looking for, you have to choose your shredding machine based on its shredder cutting blades.

Basically, paper shredders consist of rotating cutting blades, a motor and a paper comber that cuts inserted paper into small pieces using its blades. Consequently, there are two types of shredders; cross-cut and strip-cut shredders.

Cross and strip cut shredders 
Most companies are satisfied with the security level provided by strip-cut shredders, which shred paper into ¼ to ½ inch ribbon-like strips. However the lesser compression of shredded papers mean you need a larger rubbish bin or more waste bags to avoid paper jams because of an overflow of paper scraps.

However the cross-cut shredders give added security to businesses that have to shred confidential documents. These Milpitas paper shredding machines cut papers both length and widthwise to give 500-800 pieces of confetti paper. As these paper scraps are small, a waste bag can hold more of this shredded paper. However these machines require more maintenance and are more expensive than strip-cut ones.

Now that the working of Fremont paper shredding machines are understood, you get a better understanding about the type of shredding machine you should get for your document shredding needs.